Dairy products such as butter, milk, cheese, sour cream and skyr are literally aplenty at this year’s FoodTech, where the IFC International Food Contest takes place. The competition, which also serves as a meeting place for the industry, is a testament to current trends and tendencies, and according to Lars Johannes Nielsen, Chief Consultant at the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and responsible for IFC, the dairy industry is also undergoing rapid development.
– It’s exciting to observe because there is simply so much product development going on out there – especially in cheese, where new varieties are constantly being developed, and where the producers are making an effort to tell the stories behind the products and involve consumers in the considerations behind the new products,’ says Lars Johannes Nielsen, summing up what’s in store at this year’s edition of the IFC International Food Contest:
– The competition offers both tradition and innovation, and we expect around 1,200 products to be entered. The Norwegian dairies are more prominent this year, and the Icelandic dairies are also entering more products than before, so that’s very positive.

An ‘insanely good match’
FoodTech and the IFC International Food Contest have been linked since 1997, and according to the chief consultant, there are several very good reasons for this.
– Over the years we have developed ourselves and each other, and we have a really good working relationship. At the same time, there’s a great synergy between the trade fair and the competition, which really benefits everyone. The technical and production aspects match up really well and offer visitors the whole package. This is where innovative products and innovative technologies meet, says Lars Johannes Nielsen.
He points out that the trade fair and the competition are constantly adding new concepts, such as the IFC Water Congress and the brand new Global Dilemma Conference, which will premiere at the upcoming FoodTech.
Participant: An important tradition in Danish and Nordic dairy farming
Among the many participants in this year’s IFC International Food Contest is Mammen Mejerierne, which will again present a wide range of cheeses in the categories danbo, cottage cheese, speciality cheese, blue cheese and white salad cheese.
– For us, the IFC is an important tradition in Danish and Nordic dairy farming, which is why it is essential for us to be well represented. The International Food Contest brings the industry together and emphasises quality and passion for dairy products. We believe it’s vital to have a forum where only the best quality counts, explains Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen, production manager at Mammen Mejerierne, who has high expectations for this year’s combined exhibition and competition:
– We expect that this year there will once again be many fantastic dairy products on display and that the competition will be fierce. It increases your pride if you are lucky and skilful enough to win in the various categories.
He goes on to say that first-time visitors in particular can start preparing themselves for an overwhelming sight.
– It’s a great experience to see all the products on display, and passionate product experts stand ready at every table to talk and explain the products, says Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen.