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  • journal of hp-tooling

    journal of hp tooling ist eine englischsprachige, internationale Fachzeitschrift für alle Aspekte hochpräziser Bearbeitungsprozesse, deren Zubehör und Anwendungen.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Aktuelle Ausgabe
    Pfeiffer Vacuum

    Live Webinar: Best practice coating: More batches – less downtime


    Learn more about the current status and best practice for operating coating machines and how to achieve better performance with less headaches. The subject of this webinar is to show the gain in terms of process first yield and minimization of system downtimes. The key topics at a glance: How to avoid a production stop, the golden rules of vacuum, the key to success: operation, maintenance and products, trouble-shooting and lessons learned. At the beginning of a development there is always the idea. Commercial and technical necessities set the boundary conditions for a plant concept. If vacuum technology is not immediately included in this concept the entire project may be called into question at a later stage. Subsequent corrective measures on existing systems cannot always be implemented and entail unplanned costs. Running an optimized system the right way is essential for achieving the best results. The experts at Pfeiffer Vacuum will discuss the current status and best practice for operating coating machines and how to achieve better performance with less headaches.

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