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journal of hp-tooling

journal of hp tooling ist eine englischsprachige, internationale Fachzeitschrift für alle Aspekte hochpräziser Bearbeitungsprozesse, deren Zubehör und Anwendungen.


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Fiscal year 2022 – Fritz Studer AG

Positive development of the order situation

“After a remarkable final spurt at the end of the year, STUDER started 2023 in full momentum, with a large order backlog.”


At this year’s press conference of Fritz Studer AG, CEO Jens Bleher welcomes the press representatives to a historic site: “Exactly 111 years ago Fritz Studer founded his company here in Steffisburg. Since then the pioneer in cylindrical grinding has presented countless technological innovations – a long tradition that is our obligation for the future.” We are therefore particularly pleased that STUDER succeeded in continuing its growth course in 2022 and significantly increase sales. Bleher is thus also very positive about the outlook for 2023: “After a remarkable final spurt at the end of the year, STUDER started 2023 in full momentum, with a large order backlog.”

„Overall, it was the third-best year in our company history in order intake,“ says CSO Sandro Bottazzo. Expectations were exceeded by far in all sales regions. Some countries, such as Turkey, even recorded the highest order intake in company history. As a global manufacturer of high-precision grinding machines, STUDER is worldwide active. “All in all, in 2022 we once again succeeded in expanding our position in the most important markets in the world and increasing our market share,” summarized Bottazzo.

In 2022 almost all markets showed growth in orders. New customers made 37 % of the orders. Furthermore, the second-best individual month in the history was December. The aerospace and energy segments significantly contributed to this positive development. The tooling, die and mold, and machine manufacturing segments remained stable at a very high level. The precision engineering segment with the small and medium-sized supplier companies and contract manufacturers remains the largest individual segment. In the automotive sector on the other hand, was a decline, which specifically affected demand for production machines. “However, our good positioning and broad portfolio are helping us greatly,” emphasizes Bottazzo.


Broad portfolio as key to success

A broad portfolio that can fulfill a wide variety of customer requirements is both the trademark and an important pillar for STUDER’s success. In the 2022 business year, universal and internal cylindrical grinding machines showed a positive trend, in both the standard and system business. The bestseller among the STUDER machines was once again the versatile S33 CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine, which is capable of producing small and large workpieces in both single and series production. Other machines that sold very well were the favorit, the S31 and the S41. In the sales of internal cylindrical grinding machines STUDER achieved its second-best annual result ever. Another area that reached a record high was the WireDress® technology, which enables the precise dressing of metal-bonded grinding wheels possible and thus boosts productivity to extremely high levels.


Development of numerous new products

The 2022 business year also brought numerous new developments and an expanded product range. “With our product offensive, innovative and application-specific solutions, we can even better address the needs of our customers,” says Daniel Huber, CTO at STUDER. On the China market, on the one hand, the new generation of the well-proved KC33 CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine, was presented. On the other hand, with the ecoGrinder, Chinese customers now have an economical entry-level solution available – and it has already found numerous buyers. “In 2022, we presented an innovation at almost every large trade show,” says Huber. This includes the S36 production machine at GrindingHub in Stuttgart. It closes a gap in the portfolio between the S11 and S22 and is particularly well-suited to applications and components in the field of electromobility. The S36 is now also available with an innovative energy monitoring concept. Also there’s the new S100 that was presented at the BIMU in Milan, a perfect entry-level option in the field of CNC universal internal cylindrical grinding machines.



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