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    journal of hp-tooling

    journal of hp tooling ist eine englischsprachige, internationale Fachzeitschrift für alle Aspekte hochpräziser Bearbeitungsprozesse, deren Zubehör und Anwendungen.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Aktuelle Ausgabe
    Close relationship

    Mikron Tool welcomes delegation from DMG MORI

    In October, Dr.-Eng. Mori, president of DMG MORI CO., LTD. and members of his management team visited the headquarters of Swiss tool specialist Mikron Tool in Agno.


    Mikron Tool and DMG MORI have maintained a close relationship for years, which was sealed in 2019 by the DMQP partnership. The reason for this encounter was to intensify the cooperation in order to obtain an even better synergy effect from the expertise of the leading machine tool manufacturer and the know-how of the application and tooling specialist. Whereby the main focus is clearly on the added value for the customer. The dedicated collaboration between DMG MORI’s globally based Excellence Centers and the machining experts at Mikron Tool’s Technology Center gives them access to holistic and tested manufacturing solutions. This opens up the possibility for them to frictionlessly implement holistic manufacturing strategies into their production and to undertake investments without unnecessary risks.

    The result of DMG MORI and Mikron Tool coming together manifests itself in the global expansion of cooperation in the medical technology sector and the increased promotion of other areas such as mould & die and aerospace. The joint presence at international trade fairs and other technology events will also be strengthened in order to best present the comprehensive service for turnkey and tested manufacturing projects to customers.

    It was a valuable and forward-looking meeting that reinforces the trust-based partnership between the two companies.


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