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    journal of hp-tooling

    journal of hp tooling ist eine englischsprachige, internationale Fachzeitschrift für alle Aspekte hochpräziser Bearbeitungsprozesse, deren Zubehör und Anwendungen.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Aktuelle Ausgabe
    AMB 2024

    Rollomatic LEAN philosophy

  • The LEAN philosophy has been deeply ingrained within Rollomatic for numerous years, forming an integral part of their corporate culture and permeating the design of all products. Reducing throughput times, eliminating operations with no added value and optimizing processes are just some of the challenges facing their customers.
    GRINDSMART®660XW, shown at AMB 2024, is the solution for high-performance. A complete tool grinding solution, including cylindrical grinding in a single clamping operation.
    The ultra-compact GRINDSMART®660XW 6-axis high-precision grinding center has been designed to produce rotary cutting tools with diameters ranging from 0.1 to 12.7 mm, and includes a high-capacity tool loader and ultra-fast wheel changer. Its unique and innovative design provides superior accuracy and reliability. This machine has been designed for the production of large or small series of high-performance cutting tools.

    6-axis kinematics
    The machine features four linear and 2two rotary axes. The unique aspect is the workhead which is mounted on a CNC linear axis. With this feature the tool grinding and the well-known Rollomatic peel grinding process are combined together into a single machine model. The benefit of the traveling workhead for peel grinding operations is that the grinding wheel is always on top of the steady rest, while the workhead axis is pushing the tool through the grinding wheel, providing excellent process stability. This CNC workhead axis is also a great benefit for drill applications, as an innovative steady rest design combines optimal tool support for fluting and for pointing.



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