The 11th European TMT Workshop (ETW11) will once again bring together the community around thermally modi!ed timber and beyond. The comprehensive programme includes contributions on the topics „Technologies“, „Quality Assurance“ and „Applications and Market“. The speakers represent research and testing as well as plant engineering, TMT production and trade. Beside the knowledge transfer, the workshop will provide an opportunity for professional and personal exchange with business partners and experts.
The workshop will be conducted in hybrid format; the conference language is English.
The workshop series was started in 2003, some years after the industrial introduction of TMT. In the same year, the European Conference on Wood Modi!cation (ECWM) was established. After many successful TMT Workshops the time has come to rethink the concept, particularly in light of ECWM, with a similar content and target group. Hence, we decided that the 11th TMT Workshop will be the last independent one and will then be merged into ECWM. This will happen by a combined conference, which will take place in Dresden in 2026, organised by IHD.
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