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    WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL

    ist das internationale Magazin für die holzverarbeitende Industrie.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Aktuelle Ausgabe

    Customized Laser Modules for Wood Processing LIGNA 2023


    At LIGNA 2023, LASER COMPONENTS will be presenting laser modules that are specifically suited for use in wood processing. The company will be focusing on lasers for machine vision and positioning and marking tasks.

    Positioning lasers ensure precise cutting and drilling in the wood industry. The dust-proof housings of the ILM12F and HD FLEXPOINT® series from LASER COMPONENTS offer a crucial advantage, especially in the demanding working environment of this industry. The green (520 nm) and red (635 nm) laser light options are eye safe according to laser classes 1 and 2. The ILM12F module offers a special advantage with its integrated M12 thread for fast and secure mounting.

    The FLEXPOINT® MV series was developed by LASER COMPONENTS for use in machine vision. The product features of the modules are designed to provide reliable results even in real-time high-resolution image processing. This allows significant increases in efficiency in sawmills and in the inspection of finished furniture parts. MV modules in various sizes and performance classes will be presented at LIGNA.



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