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Package of measures adopted to reduce capacity and boost efficiency


The HOMAG Group is responding to its significantly lower order intake in the first nine months of 2023 by adopting a package of measures. Just under 600 jobs are to be cut worldwide. Thanks to the high order backlog at the beginning of the year, the Company’s sales and earnings remained at the previous year’s high level in the first three quarters of 2023.

“After extraordinarily heavy capital spending by our customers in 2021 and 2022, we had anticipated a cyclical downswing. However, with order intake down by almost one third worldwide, this downturn is substantially more pronounced than expected,” says Dr. Daniel Schmitt, Chief Executive Officer. “We must respond to this and have therefore swiftly assembled a package of measures to adjust capacity and discussed these with the employee representatives.” The HOMAG Group plans to cut just under 600 jobs worldwide and expects this to produce savings of around EUR 25 million next year and roughly EUR 50 million per year from 2025.


Disparate situation in the first nine months of 2023

Between January and September 2023, order intake decreased by 32 percent to EUR 968 million (previous year: EUR 1,418 million). In terms of sales, which increased slightly again compared to the previous year’s high figure to EUR 1,222 million (previous year: EUR 1,195 million), the HOMAG Group continued to benefit from the very large order backlog that it had amassed at the beginning of the year. This order backlog was gradually run off, dropping to EUR 832 million as of September 30, 2023 (September 30, 2022: EUR 1,256 million). At EUR 93.2 million, EBIT before extraordinary effects remained at the previous year’s high level (EUR 92.4 million).


Outlook: lower sales expected in 2024

The extraordinary expenses resulting from the package of measures are valued at €35 to 50 million and will be placed on the books in the fourth quarter of 2023. As a result, the HOMAG Group’s full-year earnings before tax and before profit transfer will fall short of the previous year in 2023. “The sharp decline in order receipts will hit us with a delayed effect and result in a substantial decline of up to 15% in sales in 2024,” explains Dr. Daniel Schmitt. “With this package of measures, we want to adjust our cost structure so as to limit the impact on our earnings. We stand to benefit from this in the medium and long term and will grow again profitably when the next upswing emerges.”



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