Eine Publikation des Dr. Harnisch Verlags


WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL

ist das internationale Magazin für die holzverarbeitende Industrie.


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Aktuelle Ausgabe

New company management member at Fagus-GreCon

Michael Gawronski, Uwe Kahmann & Alexander Kuppe
Photo: Michael Gawronski, Uwe Kahmann, Alexander Kuppe


With effect from 15.08.2023, the responsibility for company management at Fagus-GreCon will be distributed across three pairs of shoulders rather of two. The company is taking this step to fulfill another prerequisite for profitable growth, as well as driving forward toward becoming a customer-oriented technology leader in the areas of measurement technology and preventative fire protection in an even more consistent way, by means of the transformation process that is needed as a result of digitalisation and globalisation.

“Fagus-GreCon has managed to successfully overcome new challenges on numerous occasions during its history, which goes back more than a hundred years. I am looking forward to helping to shape the future of this company together with my colleagues and our committed employees during this important phase”, emphasises Dipl.Ing. Alexander Kuppe, the new member of the Fagus-GreCon company management.

Dipl.Ing. Alexander Kuppe is taking over the management of the marketing, sales, after-sales and service departments with immediate effect.  Dipl.-Kfm. Uwe Kahmann will continue to be responsible for all commercial areas of the company and its subsidiaries, as well as for the UNESCO World Heritage Fagus factory. Dr. Michael Gawronski will continue to manage production, the R&D areas and also quality and information management.



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