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    WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL

    ist das internationale Magazin für die holzverarbeitende Industrie.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Aktuelle Ausgabe

    Shaping the future together


    The WEINIG Group will be presenting an impressive portfolio of pioneering technologies at HOLZ-HANDWERK / FENSTERBAU FRONTALE 2024 in Nuremberg. At an impressive joint stand in Hall 9 (Booth 304/308), visitors can expect not only around 30 innovative exhibits, but also captivating live demonstrations of both WEINIG and HOLZ-HER machines that promise maximum customer benefit. The WEINIG and HOLZ-HER brands cover a broad spectrum of solid wood and wood material processing. Visitors can look forward to a wide range of innovations that will redefine the future of craftsmanship.



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