Eine Publikation des Dr. Harnisch Verlags


WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL

ist das internationale Magazin für die holzverarbeitende Industrie.


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Aktuelle Ausgabe
IMA Schelling

Take a look behind the scenes

WOOD Vibes Schwarzach
    • HYMMEN
    • woodtech 2025 expo
  • Three days of „Wood Vibes“ in beautiful Vorarlberg! From 12 to 14 June, IMA Schelling will be giving its customers an exciting look behind the scenes at its Schwarzach site. In addition to presentations on current industry topics, workshops and product demonstrations, the in-house exhibition offers the opportunity to talk to the wood processing specialists on site.

    „With the planned in-house exhibition, we want to offer our customers an inspiring technology event and the opportunity to network,“ explains Simon Waterbaer, Director Sales at IMA Schelling. „One highlight will certainly be our new demonstration room, which we completely remodelled at the beginning of the year. We will also be demonstrating the diverse possibilities of hl1 cutting using various sample presentations.“

    Visitors can quickly and easily gather precisely the information and experience that will support them in their day-to-day work and successfully advance their projects. The extensive programme of presentations, interactive workshops and technology demonstrations has been clearly laid out on the event website and can be booked individually in advance. Some people may find it difficult to choose, as numerous experts will be sharing their expertise in Schwarzach. For example, the extensive lecture programme will offer top-class insights into the world of automation, highlight the possibilities of high-performance cutting and present the ground-breaking robot.work robotic solution from IMA Schelling.



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