Eine Publikation des Dr. Harnisch Verlags


WiN - woodworking INTERNATIONAL

ist das internationale Magazin für die holzverarbeitende Industrie.


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Aktuelle Ausgabe

XYLEXPO 2024: Over 11 thousand visitors


The 28th edition of Xylexpo, the biennial international exhibition of woodworking and furniture technology, closed its gates with more than satisfactory results. Official figures show a substantial stability of the event, with an attendance of 11,288 people, 27 percent from abroad. Among the latter, 70 percent came from Europe, 18 percent from Asia, 5 percent from the Americas and 5 percent from Africa.

The days of Xylexpo 2024 – an exhibition exclusively dedicated to furniture and wood technologies and equipment – offered many hints for reflection, starting from the need to present exhibitors and visitors with an event open to new horizons, a challenge that the organizers have already taken up for the next edition.

Strong attention was aroused by “Industry 5.0” topics, although the still missing definition of implementation rules by the Italian authorities has cancelled the expected boost to orders. Nevertheless, many of the 270 exhibitors attending, 33 percent from abroad, reported high-quality contacts and closing several deals during the exhibition.



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