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    Digital WS 910 Advanced Weighing System for Precise Weight Checking and Dynamic Weight Control in Overall Petfood Processes

  • The Handtmann WS 910 weighing system in its new advanced version is optimally suited for weight checking and control in petfood production. It forms part of the HANDTMANN LINE SOLUTIONS (HLS) and is easy to integrate in production lines thanks to its open interfaces. The continuous communication of the weighing system with the vacuum filler results in precise, dynamic weight control and permanent process monitoring. The resulting weight tendency control reduces give-away to a minimum and discharges over- or underweight products immediately. It is perfectly suitable for all petfood products to ensure weighing according to finished packaging directive.

    The WS 910 advanced weighing system offers more than highly precise weighing results, as the individual portion weights are constantly checked and adjusted during ongoing production and therefore optimally correspond to the target values or the legal requirements. Reducing overfilling (give-away) to a minimum saves hard cash gram by gram and thus significantly reduces production costs. Integration of the WS 910 advanced into complete production lines is easily possible via the system’s open interfaces. The touch display and a quick-change system for belt and strap also ensure intuitive and safe operation. In addition, the weighing system can also be operated centrally via the vacuum filler control as part of the digital “Handtmann Line Control (HLC)” solution, resulting in optimum line integration and increased process stability. Integrated data management creates the required transparency in the weighing process. All weighing data is recorded and documented and is thus available for continuous analysis and ongoing production improvement. Visualisation and graphic representation of production parameters and process data have been given a user-friendly layout. Optionally, the weighing system can also be connected to the HCU software solution and thus multiplies the advantages of the digital weighing system and networking solution. A comprehensive, convenient Industry 4.0 solution for control, monitoring and transparency in production. 

    The new WS 910 advanced is characterised by its outstanding speed, precision and robustness. With its large weighing range from 50 g to 3,000 g and check weighings of up to 200 portions per minute, it can be flexibly used in a variety of petfood production applications and it thus ideally suited for industrial use. The hygienic design of the WS 910 advanced relies on smooth stainless steel surfaces with rounded edges and an open design easily accessible for cleaning.

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