a publication by Dr. Harnisch Publications


Tabak Profi

In der bewährten Form der Themenhefte spiegeln sich die Markenwelten der in Deutschland aktiven Zigarettenhersteller wieder.

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Three publications appear in the fng journal series,
who have dedicated themselves to the world of tobacco:


tobaccoprofi: A loose-leaf work, which is attached to every main edition of the fng. Here the employee learns interesting facts about the brands of the tobacco trade and their position in the food trade, issue by issue. The result is a compendium issue by issue, for which we offer a free folder to collect. At the same time, it is planned to put the tobacco professional online in a contemporary way in order to introduce trainees in the food retail trade to the information.

TABAK PROFI: The tried and tested form of the theme booklets reflects the brand worlds of the cigarette manufacturers active in Germany. There are two issues for the LEH in May and for the Inter Tabac in September. We are continuing the success of TABAK PROFIS with our own edition for the classic tobacco trade.

Genusswelt Tabak: At the turn of the year, the theme magazine Genusswelt Tabak is published, which addresses the moments of enjoyment with a good cigarette, cigar or pipe.

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