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    Wellness Foods & Supplements

    ist das erste europäische Magazin, das sich nur mit den Themen Inhaltsstoffe zur Gesundheitsprävention und Lebensmittel und Getränke mit gesundheitsfördernder Wirkung beschäftigt.


    Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

    Zur aktuellen Ausgabe
    Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2022

    #AmazingCollagen GELITA® Bioactive Collagen Peptides

  • GELITA is a sponsor of the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit USA on February 14, 15. and 16, 2022, in San Diego, California. The summit brings together industry and research professionals in the sports and active nutrition space to bridge the gaps between cutting-edge science, business strategy, and key regulatory developments. Kent Green, GELITA expert, will be on-site to share how GELITA’s clinically substantiated Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP® ) address condition-specific needs to keep athletes and active lifestyle customers healthy and in shape

    Collagen is one of the most trending ingredients for sports nutrition with a huge fan base around the world.  The potentials with Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP®) are endless!  GELITA’s comprehensive portfolio of BCP® will help keep your players healthy and at a high-performance level by addressing condition-specific needs. GELITA’s ingredients are clinically substantiated for:

    • Keeping ligaments and tendons healthy and flexible (TENDOFORTE®),
    • Supporting joint health and mobility (FORTIGEL®)
    • Improving bone mass density and supporting bone stability and flexibility (FORTIBONE®)
    • Body toning and muscle strength (BODYBALANCE®).

    For after-the-game photos, help players look their best and include VERISOL® for improving skin elasticity, nail growth, and wrinkle and cellulite reduction.

    For a deeper dive into the world of BCP® and how they can support our sports nutrition product range, visit GELITA here:


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