Eine Publikation des Dr. Harnisch Verlags


Wellness Foods & Supplements

ist das erste europäische Magazin, das sich nur mit den Themen Inhaltsstoffe zur Gesundheitsprävention und Lebensmittel und Getränke mit gesundheitsfördernder Wirkung beschäftigt.


Diese Fachzeitschrift wird als E-Paper mit interaktiven Inhalten angeboten.

Zur aktuellen Ausgabe
The food supplements and pharmaceutical products market

Well-being is for now

fresh rosemary
  • Taking care of one’s health now means taking a more holistic approach. The established link between food and health is presently a solid, unquestionable fact, and consumers prioritise natural ingredients. Consumers who are demanding, on a daily basis, when it comes to their health. For Herbarom, well-being starts now! The teams have a solid expertise and knowledge of the benefits of plants on human health and are able to offer a wide range of value-creating customer solutions for the food supplement and pharmaceutical industries.

    Herbarom’s support
    Within the Group, it’s Phytéo Laboratoire that develops and manufactures food supplements, in the form of dry and liquid galenics, but also medicines and medical devices, as a true business partner.
    Our teams have in-depth expertise and knowledge of the benefits of plants for human health and can meet the needs of customers in all market segments.

    • Stress and sleep
    • Transit and digestion
    • Vitality and immunity
    • Beauty
    • Joints and growth
    • Weight control
    • Respiratory system and ENT

    Infinite possibilities
    In addition to the availability of a wide range of ingredients, Herbarom offers a vast choice of galenic forms:

    Liquid galenics:
    Sprays and bottles
    Liquid and gel sticks

    Dry galenics:

    70% of the formulation of a food supplement is based on plant ingredients.

    With our knowledge of the value chain, from plant extraction to the end product, we can create tailor-made products in terms of composition, galenics and packaging. Our industrial expertise has made us the leader in the manufacture of liquid form food supplements!

    Quality engagements
    Herbarom guarantees a 100% ‘Made in France’ production on all its four production sites. Each of them applies HACCP approach and have obtained Organic Farming certification. Lastly, each site is subject to specific certification, including GMP, ISO 13485 and ISO 9001.

    For more information, please visit our website: https://herbarom-groupe.com

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