Tuesday – 07.05.2024
Sustainability Session – 13:00 – 15:00
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
How sustainable is the pet supplies industry and what can manufacturers and retailers do to become more sustainable? In the Interzoo Sustainability Session, trends and developments relating to the topic of sustainability in the pet supplies industry will be analysed and illustrated with best practice examples.
Kateryna Podkalenko, Sustainability Transformation Researcher at the Sustainable Transformation Lab of the Antwerp Management School (AMS), will present and explain the results of the latest Interzoo sustainability study and also provide an overview of the current situation in the pet industry. In her subsequent presentation, Ekaterina Tretyakova, Market Research Consultant at Euromonitor International, will shed light on sustainability from the perspective of pet owners. A concluding panel discussion will bring together the different perspectives of manufacturers, organisations and pet owners.
The session will be moderated by Dr Rowena Arzt, Head of Trade Fairs at WZF/ZZF. At the end of the sustainability session, there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas on this topic and expand your own network.
- Kateryna Podkalenko, Sustainability Transformation Researcher at the Sustainable Transformation Lab of the Antwerp Management School (AMS)
- Ekaterina Tretyakova, Research Consultant at Euromonitor International
- Panel Talk:
- Kateryna Podkalenko, AMS
- Ekaterina Tretyakova, Euromonitor International
- Jim Lamancusa, PSC (Pet Sustainability Coalition)
Wednesday – 08.05.2024
Country Session Europe – 11:00 – 12:30
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
The pet industry in Europe has many facets. In this short conference, you will learn more about the special features of the region as a whole and the individual European submarkets.
Javier Munoz, Research Analyst at Euromonitor International, will give an overview of trends and developments in the European pet supplies industry, focussing in particular on Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Svein A. Fosså President of the European Pet Organisation EPO – the voice of the pet industry at EU level – will then discuss legal aspects with regard to legal developments in the EU. What are the legal challenges for companies in the pet industry in the EU and what do companies that want to expand their business into the EU market need to consider? In the concluding presentation by Mr Claus Hölzer, Schenker, you will gain an insight into the special import and export conditions for Europe. All presentations will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions and exchange ideas with the other participants.
The event will be moderated by Antje Schreiber, Head of ZZF/WZF Communications.
- Javier Munoz, Research Consultant at Euromonitor International
- Svein A. Fosså, President EPO
- Claus Hölzer, Head of Int. Fairs & Exhibitions, Schenker Deutschland GmbH
Country Session Brazil – 14:00 – 15:30
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
What distinguishes the Brazilian pet market from other markets? What trends and developments can be observed? The Interzoo Country Session Brazil will scrutinize one of South Americas biggest markets.
In addition to a presentation on facts, figures and trends in the Brazilian pet supplies market, Alexander Schmitt from Alexander Schmitt Consulting will also give a concise presentation on import and export conditions. Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and exchange ideas with the other participants. We will inform you about further speakers of the Country Session Brazil shortly.
- Alexander Schmitt, Alexander Schmitt Consulting
Thursday – 09.05.2024
Country Session South East Asia – 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
In this country session, we will provide information on the characteristics of the market(s) in Southeast Asia, present the latest developments within the growing national markets and highlight opportunities for companies in the pet industry.
Javier Munoz, Research Analyst at Euromonitor International, will present the latest data and trends in the pet supplies market in Southeast Asia. In the further presentation by Claus Hölzer, Schenker Deutschland GmbH, you will gain an insight into the special import and export conditions for Southeast Asia.
The session will be moderated by Konstantin Rohé, PR Officer Interzoo at ZZF e.V. and WZF GmbH.
- Javier Munoz, Research Consultant at Euromonitor International
- Claus Hölzer, Head of Int. Fairs & Exhibitions, Schenker Deutschland GmbH
Social Media Session – 12:00 – 13:30
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
“10 tips to boost your business in Europe”
This session will focus on why social networks should not be missing from the marketing strategy of companies in the pet industry and what needs to be considered in order to reach the desired target group in German-speaking countries.
André Karkalis provides specific tips to help companies establish brands and expand their online presence.
- André Karkalis, Managing Director: TONY the petfluencer agency GmbH & Co. KG
Country Session USA – 14:00 – 15:30
NCC East, Room: St. Petersburg
There are an estimated 400 million pets in the United States. We shed light on this largest and most diverse market in the world in the English-language Country Session USA.
In the presentation by Michael Johnson, Consumer Strategy Principal at BSM Partners, you will learn more about the structures and trends of the US pet market. Finally, Alexander Schmitt, consultant for international logistics, will present the special import and export conditions for the USA.
The session will be moderated by Dr Rowena Arzt, Head of Trade Fairs ZZF e.V. and WZF GmbH. We will inform you about further speakers of the Country Session USA shortly.
- Michael Johnson, Consumer Strategy Principal at BSM Partners
- Alexander Schmitt, Alexander Schmitt Consulting