HYGIENE Report is the platform for quality management in the food and beverage industries. In cooperation with top-class authors from science and economy the periodical brings user-oriented and practical reports about all relevant aspects of quality and safety issues.
Topics are for example: hygiene management, measurement, workwear, cleaning, HACCP, personal hygiene and microbiological testing with all its legal consequences.
HYGIENE Report aims at hygiene representatives, leaders and employees in the quality management sector as well as R&D, works managers etc. The readership is defined and targetted as the group with decision-making authority.
Distribution is based on an all new publication and circulation concept:
HYGIENE Report appears as a “magazine in the magazine“ in Food Technologie (German food trade magazine) and Getränke! Technologie & Marketing (German beverage trade magazine) – two well-known and very successful titles from Dr. Harnisch Publications. Thus it reaches a total print run of 18.000 copies per issue.